Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog

Friday, March 28, 2008


One of the newer ways I have found to blog and make money is a European site called BloggerWave. Just like the U.S. sites that pay bloggers to promote advertisers on their blogs, BloggerWave offers opportunities to make a few bucks on your posts. I like to have several different options for finding paid content for my blogs, so Makin' the Bacon is going to add Bloggerwave to my list of blog employers. We'll keep you posted on the income stream....I think I have the option of receiving my money in British pounds.


Anonymous said...

They still haven't approved my blog and it's been pending for over a week. Let me know how you get on.

Tina @ The Zoo Crew said...

Great site! I really appreciate the information here. I will check out BloggerWave soon. I am still trying to learn SocialSpark and PPP!